Local Missions

Local Missions is about providing opportunities to share the gospel and serve others through Local Ministry Partnerships. Discovery Teams go out and serve in the community together as well as donating resources to our partners.

Local Partnerships

To make and mature disciples by providing opportunities to evangelize and serve those in need through partnerships with local ministries.

Cooperative Christian Ministry
Hickory Soup Kitchen
Young Life
Corner Table Soup Kitchen
Gracelife International
Sipe's Orchard Home
Safe Harbor
Strong Life Ministries
Pregnancy Care Center
Family Care Center

Blessing Box

You are now able to make contributions to or take supplies from Discovery Church's very own Blessing Box.

If you find that you have some extra supplies that you no longer need or wish to help someone out with, come by the church and place them in the Blessing Box.

Some ideas are:
Salad Dressings
Boxed Pasta
Pancake Mix
Canned Tuna
Paper Towels
Toilet Paper